Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lesotho Adventure 5: Semonkong-Golden Gate

From Semonkong back to Golden Gate is just over 300 km. We went back towards Roma on the same twisty tar road and over the same hills that we came in on.

In Roma we didn't stop at the Vatican ... but we did stop at the bottle store next door to get some Malutis to take home.

The closer we got to Maseru, the more the traffic picked up ... closer to the border post it got really busy with lots of trucks and holidaymakers on their way in. I much prefer the smaller border posts - quicker to get through, and less chance for road blocks with traffic officers looking for bribes.

In Ladybrand we stopped to stretch our legs, fill up and get some coffee.There were no more sheep or donkey carts on the roads, and the road between Ladybrand and Fouriesburg was in good condition with little traffic, so the TW could go maximum speed ... which is 80 on the uphills, and 115 or so on the downhills. 

I  doubt the TW was built for long distances on straight tar. It took 1 hour 20 to ride the 120km from Ladybrand to Fouriesburg. I had to slow down every now and again to 80 km/h so that I could see what's going on in my mirrors - they start rattling at 90 km/h and then you see 3 cars for every one car behind you ...

In Fouriesburg we stopped at the Plaasstoep for lunch, and then it was just the 55km to Golden Gate left.

3 kms out of Golden Gate the TW ran out of fuel again. It was only 170 from where we filled up in Ladybrand ... clearly the TW didn't appreciate me trying to go faster than 90 km/h ... or maybe it was enjoying the adventure so much that it didn't want it to end ...

Anyway, so we arrived back in Golden Gate, fetched the Jimny, rearranged luggage, packed the bikes, and we were off on our way to Gauteng.

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